The ingredients that you will need for this recipe
are: a box of pancake batter, milk, water, and butter. First things first, make
your pancake batter as on the instructions. While you're doing that, take a
medium sized frying pan and heat it up to medium high with some butter. Make
sure the butter is spread around evenly on the pan. A piece of advice, I like
to coat the pan with butter after every pancake, just enough to give your
pancake an extra flavor and to get it a nice brown color.
Once you're done mixing your batter, pour some
on your frying pan. The secret to making a good pancake is just flipping it
once. And the secret to know when to flip it is in the bubbles. You flip the
pancake once there's tons of bubbles on the surface. Then flip it and cook for
about a minute or two and your pancake should be done.