Pancakes mix

Pancake mix is easy to figure and within realm of possibility the roughly popular process that people figure pancakes at home. The reality is, all the same, that it's not esoteric to draw your indeed own harsh pancakes. To the way one sees it things someday easier in the infinity you cut back also the way one sees it a wealthy quantity of your mix to five and dime shop in the cupboard. This makes it so the next predate you ratiocinate pancakes it will be once in a blue moon as light as a feather as by the agency of a five and dime shop bought mix.

What you need to make the mix:

10 cups of all-purpose flour (3 lbs.)

2 1/2 cups of instant nonfat dry milk

1/2 cup of sugar

1/4 cups of baking power

2 tablespoons of salt

Put all of these ingredients into a large bowl and mix them all together. Make sure they are evenly mixed so it looks uniform. Put the mixture in a sealed container and store it in a cool, dry place in your house. The mixture should stay good for six to eight months and will make about 13 cups of your pre-made mix.

To make your pancakes:

Use these ingredients-

2 cups of your newly made pancake mix

1 cup of water

1 egg

2 tablespoon of oil

Mix all of the ingredients above in a large bowl with a wire whisk or a fork till it is smooth. Grease your pan and cook your pancakes over medium-high heat. Use about a ¼ cup of batter per pancake. This makes eight (4 inch) pancakes or four large waffles. Then just sit down and enjoy your very own pancakes at home.